An Edge

I am not excellent
I am not grand
I am not magnificent
I am just a speck of sand
I will strive for excellence
But in the way they would
From them i have difference
I will strive in a way I could
Though I am shy, I will not cry
For I am strong at heart
Whatever I do, I will fly high
For my edge sets me apart.

Linggo, Nobyembre 27, 2011

The Boy Named Kyle

5th Day of March, Year 1993
T'was Friday, midnight to three
While Moon flares upon the Earth
A Mother, She gave birth.

T'was a bouncing baby Boy
Big smiles gathered, Oh what a joy!
Rosy cheeks layered with hair
Complexion that was just and fair.

Wanting for so long to cast
Lids wide opened, There!, At last!
Eyes glimmered and very dark
Comes a Birthmark shaped fish at the back.

Here and there, came the family
Peeking at the young, giggly
Forgotten one thing, the most important to see
The name! What is the name?!

Keep thinking, thinking and thinking
Entitle him a name, came from a King
From a Pocketbook, which's renowned
"Kyle" would be the epithet, and there it was vowed.

Conclude of another which'll blend the first
Something sundry, Would catch a burst
Angelo? Christopher? Which will be it?
Choose upon this and put it in his fist.

"Philip" would be excellent!
A Prince with great strength
Modern name of his Grandfather
Sure t'was "Felipe", they did alter.

At last they thought of my final name
A Trademark, Christened, A start of Fame!
Title that will truly embark me as I am
No one could own it, It's only mine, until i Die.

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